
The MassiveBuildBundle provides some commands.


Perform a query from the command line:

$ php app/console massive:search:query "Foobar" --index="barfoo"
| Score            | ID                                   | Title     | Description | Url       | Class                  |
| 0.53148467371593 | ac984681-ca92-4650-a9a6-17bc236f1830 | Structure |             | structure | OverviewStructureCache |


Display status information for the current search implementation:

$ php app/console massive:search:status
| Field       | Value                                                        |
| Adapter     | Massive\Bundle\SearchBundle\Search\Adapter\ZendLuceneAdapter |
| idx:product | {"size":11825,"nb_files":36,"nb_documents":10}               |


Rebuild the search index.

$ php app/console massive:search:reindex


  • provider: Specify a specific reindex provider (can be specified multiple times).
  • batch-size: Specify the size of the batches.


Rebuilding the search index is a memory intensive task and it will leak memory over time. You can mitigate this effect by running this command with --env=prod which should remove unnecessary overhead from logging systems etc.


If a reindexing command is interupted it will, on the next execution, ask if it should resume from its last checkpoint.


Purge one or more or all indexes.

$ php app/console massive:search:purge

Execute without arguments in order to see a list of current indexes.

Specify indexes with the --index option:

$ php app/console massive:search:purge --index=index_1 --index=index_2

You can purge all indexes:

$ php app/console massive:search:purge --all


  • index: Specify index to purge
  • all: Purge all indexes.
  • force: Do not ask for confirmation.